Housing and homelessness advice
We provide housing and homelessness advice for local authorities and the third sector
Encompass delivers a responsive front line service to homeless households to determine what statutory duty may be owed under the Homelessness Reduction Act 2017.
We deliver an in-depth assessment interview, provide housing information and advice, and produce a personalised housing plan. Our approach is to achieve positive outcomes while supporting individuals to make their own decisions.
Our Housing Advisors have in-depth knowledge on housing options and recognise risk in order to maintain personal safety.
Our services operate in accordance with the Equality Act 2010; providing the right response to protected characteristics.
Temporary accommodation
We manage a portfolio of over 1,000 properties providing temporary accommodation to households while waiting for Council housing. We are always seeking new properties e.g. 2 bed, 3 bed, 4 bed in order to meet demand and provide cash incentives for a new property introduction. We offer a full property management service for any landlord with agreements from 3 to 5 years providing guaranteed rent, full property management and property return with fair wear and tear.

Temporary accommodation
We manage a portfolio of over 1,000 properties providing temporary accommodation to households while waiting for Council housing. We are always seeking new properties e.g. 2 bed, 3 bed, 4 bed in order to meet demand and provide cash incentives for a new property introduction. We offer a full property management service for any landlord with agreements from 3 to 5 years providing guaranteed rent, full property management and property return with fair wear and tear.

Wellbeing support service
We provide wrap-around support empowering individuals to take control of their lives and provide hope for the future. The focus is on sustaining tenancies and becoming positive contributors to society.
We address individual resettlement needs, including:
- Health and wellbeing
- Income maximisation
- Social inclusion
- Tenancy sustainment
- Training and employment
How to report someone sleeping rough
“Members of the public really do play an important role in helping to end rough sleeping by letting support services know when they see someone sleeping rough, so please report them via the button below”
If you think the person you are concerned about is under 18 please call the police.
Domestic abuse
Encompass responds to victims and survivors of domestic abuse as part of a coordinated community response.
We are a part of the Domestic Abuse Housing Alliance (DAHA).
We work closely with related services in Sutton including Transform.
Domestic abuse
Encompass responds to victims and survivors of domestic abuse as part of a coordinated community response.
We are a part of the Domestic Abuse Housing Alliance (DAHA).
We work closely with related services in Sutton including Transform and the domestic abuse one-stop shop

AfEO scheme
We secured funding for Accommodation for ex-Offenders (AfEO) through a successful grant submission.
This support provides timely intervention to access and sustain accommodation following release from probation and prison services.
We have strong relationships with the National Probation Service, Community and Prison Offender Managers, DWP and MOPAC.
Need help?
If you are a service user and would like more information, click below to view our contact options